Paper submission


Instructions for authors

The VIII CIEV accepts Abstracts to be presented as panel or oral communications related to the area of Veterinary Nursing and other Veterinary Sciences. These communications are not limited to veterinary Anaesthesiology and Surgery and other subjects will be accepted.

The authors must submit their respective abstracts until 8 of December 2023. The submission of these documents is done electronically only on the official e-mail address of the VIII CIEV ( and will be compiled in a digital support format version conference proceedings book. Authors should state the preferred option (panel or oral presentation) using the template* bellow, in the e-mail message. Scientific works presented at the congress may subsequently be submitted to the journal Millenium ( in article format, subject to peer review and without payment of publication charges. At least one author must have registration and payment regularized in the congress until the date of the abstract submission.

* Template

Pretendo que este trabalho seja apresentado na forma de / I intend for this work to be presented in the form of a:
a) Poster/painel /Panel
b) Apresentação oral / Oral presentation
c) Indiferente / Indifferent

Submission rules

  1. Abstracts for submission must report recent experimental or research work, preliminary results of experimental work, review of clinical cases or retrospective work, clinical case reports if they represent a solution or approach to the provision of nursing care.
  2. Abstracts that represent deliberate commercial promotion of a specific brand, product or company will not be accepted.
  3. All data presented must be original and of the responsibility of the authors, and until the submission deadline, the work must not have been published/accepted for publication or presented/accepted for presentation in another congress or scientific meeting.
  4. All abstracts must be written in technical and scientific writing.
  5. For evaluation by the Scientific Committee, the submission must be made by e-mail with the file attachedword format in plain text identified as “Abstract_ Short title_Surname of the corresponding author”, without hyphens or punctuation, in the short title, only the main words or keywords of the title that allow generic identification of the subject.
  6. The subject of the e-mail should be “Submission of abstract” followed by the “Short title, surname of the corresponding author”.
  7. At the end of the email message should be the identification of the corresponding author (the sender of the e mail), with telephone number and e mail address (which must be the same used to address the submission and registration).
  8. Abstracts that do not comply with the standards will not be accepted.
  9. Authors will be contacted by the President of the Scientific Committee regarding the decision as well as the selection for oral communication.
  10. Acceptation decision date: 18 December 2023.
  11. After acceptance date the posters selected should be send as pdf format in PowerPoint with the digital version of the work for presentation, identified as “Poster_Short title_Surname of the corresponding author”, until 5 January 2024.

Abstracts should be presented in Portuguese, English, and Spanish, with the following structure:

i) Title – Arial 12, bold

ii) Authors names – Arial 11, [last name(s)] complete and first name or the middle names initials, authors names should be separated by commas. Presenting author should be underlined.

In the author’ name responsible for the manuscript (could be or not the presenting author), an * should be placed next to the author who is responsible for correspondence and e-mail address and telephone from the corresponding author should be mentioned below affiliation.

iii) Institutional addresses (Affiliation) – Arial 10; when more than one institution is part of the work, consecutive numbers should be used in front of each authors name (e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4,…) and before each institutional address. Students could use the respective school as affiliation).

iv) Body – margins should be 2.5 cm (all margins), line spacing 1.5, arial 12, first line indentation: 0.5 cm. Bullets and numbering should be avoided. Italic should be reserved for Latin names. Bold fonts should be reserved for text titles and sub-titles. Lines should not be numbered. 

Should not exceed 250 words each and should be able to describe the study’s introductionmaterial and methods, main resultsdiscussion and conclusions, when applicable (Arial 11); Acknowledgments (including funding) and References should be added at the bottom (Arial 10).

Keywords – write up to six (6) keywords related to the animal species and to the study carried out.

The authors have full responsibility for the drafting of these sections, and may change them as best they can, as long as the formatting defined for the “abstract body” is maintained. 


i) Poster dimension should not exceed 120 cm height and 90 cm wide.

ii) Posters should be affixed by the beginning of the meeting and after checking the reception of the abstract on the date mentioned in the section “Informação/secretariado”.

iii) Poster authors will have available material and equipment for poster fixation.

iv) Poster must contain: the same title as the abstract, names and affiliations of the authors, and must be readable at approximately 1 meter.

Official languages

Oral presentations and posters should be written and presented in one of the following official languages of the event: Portuguese, English or Spanish (note that abstracts need to be written those three languages).


O tratamento da insuficiência pancreática em cães e gatos

Silva, J.1,2, Smith, A.2,3, Hierro, T.C.3,4, Castro, H.1,2, Oliveira, P.B.1,2 *
1 Escola Superior Agrária
2 Clínica Veterinária
3 Hospital Veterinário
4 Laboratório de Análises Clínicas


Não deve exceder 250 palavras cada e deve ser capaz de descrever a introdução do estudo, material e métodos, principais resultados, discussão e conclusões, quando aplicável; Agradecimentos e Referências devem ser adicionados no final (Arial 11).
Keywords: Maximum 6 keywords (Arial 10)
Acknowledgements (Arial 10)
References (Arial 10)

The management of pancreatic insufficiency in cats and dogs

Silva, J.1,2 , Smith, A.2,3, Hierro, T.C.3,4, Castro, H.1,2, Oliveira, P.B.1,2 *
1 Escola Superior Agrária
2 Clínica Veterinária
3 Hospital Veterinário
4 Laboratório de Análises Clínicas


Should not exceed 250 words each and should be able to describe the study’s introduction, material and methods, main results, discussion, and conclusions, when applicable; Acknowledgments and References should be added at the bottom (Arial 11).

Tratamiento de la insuficiencia pancreática en perros y gatos

Silva, J.1,2 , Smith, A.2,3, Hierro, T.C.3,4, Castro, H.1,2, Oliveira, P.B.1,2 *
1 Escola Superior Agrária
2 Clínica Veterinária
3 Hospital Veterinário
4 Laboratório de Análises Clínicas


No debe superar las 250 palabras y debe poder describir la introducción del estudio, el material y los métodos, los principales resultados, la discusión y las conclusiones, cuando proceda; los agradecimientos y las referencias deben añadirse al final (Arial 11).